Is there any plan to include data on the broader public health workforce? 

HWC recognizes the gap in coverage for several key health professions, including public health professionals. We are committed to working with our data partners and other stakeholders to improve data coverage on more health care providers as the information becomes available and is determined to be fit for use. 

Does migration data show what country IEHPs migrated from? Is there data on volumes of practitioners moving into Canada and where they are going?   

The Provider Profiles dashboard currently provides information on the proportion of licensed health care providers who graduated outside of Canada but does not display detailed information on the countries that IEHPs (internationally educated health professionals) migrated from, nor the volumes of IEHPs moving into Canada and their destinations. Future iterations will look to advance information […]

Is there any data captured around specialty practice for nursing?    

Most of the data on Canada’s nurses presented within the dashboards is self-reported through the annual license registration/renewal process, which not only supports regulation of the nursing professions but also provides valuable information on head counts, geospatial distribution, employment characteristics, and practice trends.    Some regulatory colleges collect information on the specialized areas in which health […]

Is information on oral health providers included?   

Data on the supply of dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants is available in the Provider Profiles dashboard, including the total number and the number per 10,000 population.   We continue to work with data partners to support collection and availability of more detailed and timely data on oral health and other health care providers. 

If I want more detailed data, how do I get it?    

Data visualizations offered within the dashboards are aggregated at the pan-Canadian and provincial/territorial levels to give a high-level summary of key health workforce trends. Those looking for more detailed data are encouraged to check out our downloadable Data Catalogue and navigate to the How to Access tabs to learn more about the data request process. […]

How current is the data?

The recency of the data varies by source and will be updated regularly as the more recent data becomes available. For example, as of September 2024, the dashboards currently contain data for these time periods: CIHI Health Workforce Database (HWDB) – Record-level: 2013 – 2023 (Provider Profiles, Employment, Recruitment & Retention modules)  CIHI Health Workforce […]